Arm : বাহু ; রৃক্ষের শাখা; the limb from the shoulder to her hand ; a branch of a tree
Related Words
airman  airmen  arm  army  aroma  arum  aurum  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Abide with(সঙ্গে থাকা): If you would like to rest for a while, you can abide with me.
Acceptable to(গ্রহণযোগ্য): Such behavior is just not acceptable in this school.
Alarm at, by, for(আশংকা করা/শঙ্কিত হওয়া): I was not alarmed at/by the news, but I was alarmed for their safety.
Annoyed for(কোনো কারনে বিরক্ত হওয়া): The officer was annoyed with the clerk for being late.
Object to (আপত্তি করা): He objected to my proposal.
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At the top of (শীর্ষে): The boy shouted at the top of his voice.
Bear in mind (remember— মনে রাখা —V): You should also bear in mind the additional costs of the mortgage.
Rank and file (সাধারণ লোক): We should pay attention to the rank and file of the country.
Short temper (রগচটা)— He is a man of short temper.
To meet trouble half-way (পুরোপুরি মোকাবেলার আগেই হাল ছেড়ে দেয়া): He met trouble half way after getting the instructions.