Amenity : মনোরম দ্রব্য;
Related Words
amant  amend  amenity  amentia  amity  amount  annuity  anoint  anonymity  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Appeal to, for(কোন ব্যক্তির কাছে কোন কিছুর জন্য আবেদন করা): The flood affected people appealed to the President for reef.
Feed on (খেয়ে বাঁচা): The cow feeds on grass.
Hard of (কানে খাটো বা কম শোনা): Ratan is a hard of hearing.
Plead for (ওকালতি করা): He pleads for justice.
Satisfied with (সন্তুষ্ট): The authoress was highly satisfied with Jerry.
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At last (in the end – অবশেষে) He tried hard, and at last, succeeded in achieving his goal.
Cut to the quick (মর্মাহত হওয়া): I was cut to the quick by his birds.
In one’s teens (তের থেকে উনিশ বছর বয়সের মাঝে): She is yet in her teens.
To go to the dogs (গোল্লায় যাওয়া)- He has gone to the dogs by keeping evil company.
Tooth and nail (strongly, প্রবলভাবে)-He fought tooth and nail against his enemy.