Alliterate : অনুপ্রাস সৃষ্টি করা;
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alliterate  alliteration  alliterations  alliterative  alteration  alterations  alterative  altered  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Afraid of(ভীত): An honest man is not afraid of telling the truth.
Ashamed of(লজ্জিত): Nandini was ashamed of his wrong-doing.
Cause for (চিন্তিত হওয়ার কারণ): He has never given me any cause for concern.
Debar from (বঞ্চিত হওয়া/বাধা দেওয়া): He is debarred from getting a job.
Grateful to (কৃতজ্ঞ): We should be grateful to our teachers.
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Eat humble pie (অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): The manager had to eat humble pie before his employees.
Give one’s right arm (বিপদের ঝুকি নেয়া): I will give my right arm if I could manage the tickets.
In black and white – (লিখিতভাবে) – Put forward your proposal in black and white.
Laughing stock (হাসির পাত্র)— He is a laughing stock to all.
Sheet anchor (শেষ আশ্রয়; প্রধান অবলম্বন; আসল খুঁটি)— This small piece of land is his sheet anchor.