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Adjacent :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Adjacent : পার্শ্ববর্তী, আসন্ন

Bangla Academy Dictionary

Related Words

adjacent  adjacent angle  attachment  attachments  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Dependent on (নির্ভরশীল): Sepm is dependent on his father.

Perfect for (সঠিক, মানানসই): The new book is perfect for you.

Rebel against (বিদ্রোহ করা): The soldiers rebelled against the king.

Thirst for (তৃষ্ণা, আকাঙ্ক্ষা): A wise man has no thirst for wealth.

With a view to (উদ্দেশ্য): I went to hospital with a view to seeing you.

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As a whole (মোটের উপর, সম্পূর্ন এক মনে করে-adv.) Look at life as a whole and you will see that it is meaningful.

Bad bargain (purchasing at a high price-বেশি দামে কেনা-n) You had a bad bargain of the watch I see.

Cut to the quick (মর্মাহত হওয়া): I was cut to the quick by his birds.

Hard nut to crack (কঠিন সমস্যা): The problem of adult education is really hard nut to crack.

With a lavish hand (মুক্ত হস্তে)— Give away something with a lavish hand.

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