Actionable : মোকদ্দমার যোগ্য
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actionable  actionable claim  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Ascend to (আরোহণ করা): karim began to ascend to the surface of wakefulness.
Astonished at(বিস্ময়-বিহবল হওয়া): We were astonished at his unexpected success.
Concerned for (উদ্বিগ্ন): The parents are concerned for their growing children.
Desist from (বিরত থাকা): She desisted from making this.
Feed with (কোনো কিছু খাওয়া): They feed the cow with grass.
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Breathe one’s last (decease, die- শেষ নিঃশেষ ত্যাগ করা, মরে যাওয়া) The man breathed his last in his native village.
Eat humble pie (অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): The manager had to eat humble pie before his employees.
Far and wide (সর্বত্র): His fame spread far and wide.
Short cut (সংক্ষিপ্ত পথ)— He comes by this shortcut.
Widow’s mite (দরিদ্রের ক্ষুদ্র দান): A windows mite is no less important than a large contribution of a rich man.