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Accompanying :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Accompanying : সহগামী; সহচারী; সহচর; অনুবর্তী; অনুচর; আনুষঙ্গিক; সহগমনকারী; সহবর্তমান; সঙ্গত; দোসর;

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1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Adjacent to (সন্নিহিত): His house was adjacent to the bridge.

Apology for (কোনো কারনে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): Sajib should ask apology to her of his mistake.

Guess at (অনুমান করা): It is difficult to guess at the age of women.

Run after (পশ্চাদানুসরণ করা): Do not run after money.

Send for (ডেকে পাঠানো): Send for a doctor immediately.

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Beggar description - (অবর্ণনীয় হওয়া): The distress of the Muslims in Bosnia beggars description.

Put up with (সহ্য করা - tolerate): I could not put up with his behavior.

Stone’s throw (অতি নিকটে): Our school is at a stone’s throw from our house.

Turn over a new leaf (begin a new phase of life, নবজীবন শুরু করা) —After his failure he turned over a new leaf.

Without fail (অবশ্যই) - You must attend the meeting without fail.

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