সালিয়ানা: [adjective] Annual; yearly :-[adverb] annually.
Related Words
সংকলয়িতা  সামিয়ানা  সালিয়ানা  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Apology to (কারো কাছে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): Rakib should ask apology to her.
Conscious of(সচেতন): I am conscious of my deficiencies.
Delighted at/with (আনন্দিত হওয়া): Sharmin was delighted at/with her husband’s promotion.
Despair of (নিরাশ হওয়া): Do not despair of further improvement.
Loyal to (অনুগত): Every citizen must be loyal to the state.
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At ease (in peace or pleasure – শান্তিতে বা আরামে) A man who has enemies can not live at ease.
Cock and bull story (আষাঢ়ে গল্প): You must be ashamed of your cock and bull story.
Hush money (ঘুষ): He offered a hush money to disclose the file.
Irony of fate (ভাগ্যের পরিহাস): He could not succeed by irony of fate.
To the backbone (হাড়ে হাড়ে): I know this boy to the backbone.