সংশয়াতীত: [] indubitable; infallible; obvious; [প্রতিশব্দ] সুনিশ্চিত; আপ্ত; পরিষ্কার;
Related Words
সংখ্যাতীত  সংযোগহীন  সংশোধন  সংশোধিত  সংশোধনীয  সংশয়াতীত  সহনাতীত  সুপ্রতীত  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Addicted to(খারাপ কিছুতে আসক্ত): She is addicted to collecting stamps.
Agree with(ব্যক্তির সাথে একমত হওয়া): I agree with you.
Descend on (আক্রমণ করা): Armed thieves descended on the helpless girl.
Match for (প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী): He is no match for me.
Rule over (শাসন করা): In the absence of the Parliament, the President rules over the country.
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Gala day (বিশেষ দিন): The Eid–Ul-Fitr is a gala day for Muslims.
In vogue (চালু): This custom is not in vogue at present.
Three score (ষাট): He is happy as his brother got three score.
Weal and woe (সুখ-দুঃখ): Human life is full of weal and woe.
Wild goose chase (useless pursuit, পন্ডশ্রম) —Do not waste time in wild goose chase.