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বৈদ্যুতিন: [adjective] electronic; [প্রতিশব্দ] বিদ্যুতিন-সংক্রান্ত;

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বৈদান্তিক  বৈদ্যুতিক  বৈদ্যুতিন  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org

Appropriate Prepositions

Agree with(ব্যক্তির সাথে একমত হওয়া): I agree with you.

Attend to(মনোযোগ দেওয়া): Please attend to my advice.

Aware of(অবগত): I am not aware of his dishonesty.

Complain about (কোনো বিষয়ে নালিশ করা): They complained about the mismanagement of the programme.

Quick at (চটপটে): A cashier must be quick at figures.

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Brown study (day dream-দিবাস্বপ্ন -n) The woman is absorbed in a brown study.

Bad book (disfavour-খারাপ নজর —n) The secretary has fallen in the bad book of the manager.

Rank and file (সাধারণ লোক): We should pay attention to the rank and file of the country.

Run short (কমতি পড়া) —I ran short of money.

Run a risk (ঝুকি নেয়া) — He ran a risk to save his life.

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