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বীজাঙ্কুর: [Noun] Sprout from a seed.

Related Words

বীজমন্ত্র  বীজাঙ্কুর  বীরাঙ্গনা  

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1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org

Appropriate Prepositions

Appointment with (সাক্ষাতের সময়): He has an appointment with the minister at 10:00 am.

Composed of(তৈরী): This medicine is composed of vitamins and minerals.

Consist of(গঠিত হওয়া): The committee consists of ten members.

Due to (কারণে): His absence is due to illness.

Inferior to (নীচু/হীন): He is inferior to his neighbor.

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At a round rate (at the fixed price – নির্ধারিত মূল্যে) Things are selling in the shop at a round rate.

Bird’s eye view - (ভাসা ভাসা দৃশ্য, হালকাভাবে দর্শন): We took a bird’s eye view of the scenery.

Slip of the pen (লেখায় অসতর্কতাবশত সামান্য ভুল): The mistake is due to a slip of the pen.

See to (বিবেচনা করা)— Can you see to it that everyone gets a copy of this memo?

Weal and woe (joy and sorrow, সুখ দঃখ) —Human life is full of weal and woe.

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