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বিবেকজ্ঞান: [Noun] Conscience.

Related Words

বিবেকজ্ঞান  বিষবিজ্ঞান  

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1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org

Appropriate Prepositions

Appeal to, for(কোন ব্যক্তির কাছে কোন কিছুর জন্য আবেদন করা): The flood affected people appealed to the President for reef.

Call for(চাওয়া): I will call for his explanation.

Convince of(বিশ্বাস হওয়া): I am convinced of your efficiency.

Dependent on (নির্ভরশীল): Sepm is dependent on his father.

Indebted to (ঋণী থাকা): We are indebted to the great leaders of the country for their service.

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Breathe one’s last (decease, die- শেষ নিঃশেষ ত্যাগ করা, মরে যাওয়া) The man breathed his last in his native village.

Bad book (disfavour-খারাপ নজর —n) The secretary has fallen in the bad book of the manager.

Hold water (ধোপে টেকা): This policy will not hold water in this situation.

To the backbone (হাড়ে হাড়ে): I know this boy to the backbone.

Through thick and thin (through all difficulties, সমস্ত সমস্যার মধ্যে)-Ruma followed her husband through thick and thin.

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