বায়ুমণ্ডল: [noun] atmosphere; air; [প্রতিশব্দ] বায়ুমণ্ডল; বায়ু;
Related Words
বর্ণমন্ডল  বায়ুমণ্ডল  বারি মণ্ডল  বারিমণ্ডল  বারিমন্ডল  বায়ুতাড়িত  বায়ুভক্ষন  বায়ুমণ্ডল  বায়ুমন্ডল  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Caution against(সাবধান): Take all cautions against the danger.
Control over(নিয়ন্ত্রণ): He has no control over his sons.
Count for(গণ্য বা বিবেচিত হওয়া): There can be no lasting peace without true democracy in which the people play a part and count for something.
Deal in (কোনো কিছুর ব্যবসা করা): They deal in green vegetables.
Taste of (স্বাদ; অভিজ্ঞতা): They have had some taste of problems.
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At one’s elbow (near at hand — হাতের কাছে – adv.) His private secretary is always at his elbow.
In no time (শীঘ্র): He will finish the work in no time.
Maiden speech (প্রথম বক্তৃতা): His maiden speech fell flat on the audience.
Pack up a quarrel (ঝগড়া মিটানো)— He packed up their quarrel.
With might and main (যথা শক্তি দিয়ে) —He tried with might and main to help me.