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Bengali to English Dictionary

বদবু: [] niff; [প্রতিশব্দ] বেরোনো;

Related Words

বঁধু  বটু  বদন  বদবু  বদর  বদল  বদলী  বদলে  বপু  বরবপু  বলবৎ  বসু  বহু  বাঁ  বাজু  বাধ  বাপু  বাবু  বাবুই  বালু  বাহু  বিবুধ  বিভু  বিষবৎ  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org

Appropriate Prepositions

Averse to (বিমুখ): Rahim was averse of your various problems.

Comply with(মেনে নেওয়া): The clerks must comply with the orders of their officer.

Conform to (নিয়মনীতি অনুসরণ করা): The employees have to conform to a strict dress code.

Consistent with(সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ): Your action is not consistent with your word.

Play at (খেলা): I do not play at cards.

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All in - (পরিশ্রান্ত): I was all in after the meeting.

Bear in mind (মনে রাখা): Always bear in mind that you are a daughter of a reputed person.

On the contrary (বিপরীত পক্ষে): I do not hate him; on the contrary I love him.

Right and left (এলোপাথাড়ি - indiscriminately): He planted trees right and left.

To the backbone (to the core, হাড়ে হাড়ে) —The boy is wicked to the backbone.

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