জ্ঞানহীনতা: [noun] ignorance; insensibility; [প্রতিশব্দ] অজ্ঞতা; মূর্খতা;
Related Words
জ্ঞানদাতা  জ্ঞানদীপ্ত  জ্ঞানশূন্য  জ্ঞানহীনতা  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Careless of(অসতর্ক): Do not be careless of your health.
Effect of (প্রভাব): The effect of corruption is very harmful for our society.
Hanker after (আকাঙ্ক্ষা/লোভ করা): He hankers after riches.
Infested with (অতিষ্ঠ): The room is infested with rats.
Inquire for (দেখা করতে চাওয়া): He inquires for the manager.
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At last (in the end – অবশেষে) He tried hard, and at last, succeeded in achieving his goal.
Gain Ground (সুবিধা পাওয়া): The wise are said to gain the ground in the long run.
In the long run (পরিণামে): You will have to suffer in the long run.
Turn over a new leaf (begin a new phase of life, নবজীবন শুরু করা) —After his failure he turned over a new leaf.
Worthy of (যোগ্য) - He is worthy of a good job.