জলয়োজন: [noun] hydration; [প্রতিশব্দ] জলয়োজন;
Related Words
জওয়ান  জলদর্শক  জলবিয়োজন  জলমজ্জন  জলয়োজন  জলশক্তি  জলাভূমি  জায়মান  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Adorn with(সাজানো/সজ্জিত করা): Adorn the car with flowers.
Annoyed with(ব্যক্তির সাথে বিরক্ত হওয়া): I am annoyed with him.
Attention to(মনোযোগ): He has no attention to his studies.
Compete with(প্রতিযোগিতা করা): He does not pke to compete with
Dull at (অপ্টু/কাঁচা): He is dull at mathematics.
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At home (proficient in — দক্ষ) The students of Bangladesh should be at home in Bangla.
At death’s door (at the point of death- মৃত্যুর দ্বারে) The patient is now at death’s door.
Carry the day (জয়লাভ করা) The boys carried the day in the debate competition.
From hand to mouth (দিন আনে দিন খায়): The poor man live from hand to mouth.
Liable to mislead (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ- deceptive): Appearances can often be liable to mislead.