ঘরোয়া: [adjective] informal; intestine; familiar; civil; [প্রতিশব্দ] অনানুষ্ঠানিক; ঘরোয়া; সুপরিচিত; বেসামরিক;
Related Words
ঘরতোলা  ঘরপোষা  ঘরোয়া  ঘরোয়া  ঘর্ষিত  ঘাড় ধরা  ঘাড়-ধরা  ঘুরিয়া  ঘোড়া  ঘোমটা  ঘোষণা  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Admit into(প্রবেশ করতে দেওয়া): Only the selected people were admitted into the theater.
Delighted at/with (আনন্দিত হওয়া): Sharmin was delighted at/with her husband’s promotion.
Descend on (আক্রমণ করা): Armed thieves descended on the helpless girl.
Quarrel with (ঝগড়া করা): Some girls quarreled with one another.
Rejoice at/in (আনন্দ করা): Everybody rejoiced at/in his success.
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Dead against (তীব্র বিরোধী - strongly opposed to): I am dead against corruption.
Gift of the gab (বাকপটুতা): An advocate should have the gift of the gab.
Let loose (বল্গাহীনভাবে ছেড়ে দেয়া): He let his horse loose in the field.
Up to (পর্যন্ত) - I have done the exercises up to page 40.
Well off (স্বচ্ছল) - Jim and Della were not well off.