ঘন্যঙ্ক: [Noun] Density.
Related Words
ঘনাঙ্ক  ঘন্টিকা  ঘন্যঙ্ক  ঘন্যয়িত  ঘরেরলোক  ঘর্মজনক  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Adept in (দক্ষ): He is adept in playing football.
Die for (আত্নত্যাগ করা): Our Chairman died for our country.
Eager for, about (একাগ্র): The students for this school are eager for knowledge. The teacher is eager about the success of his students.
Hostile to (বিরোধী বা বিরূপ ভাবাপন্ন): Nobody is hostile to you.
Inquire into (খতিয়ে দেখা): The police officer will inquire into the matter.
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Birds of a feather (persons of like disposition-একই পর্যায়ের লোক) Bird’s of a feather flock together.
End in smoke (ব্যর্থ হওয়া): All his plans ended in smoke.
Part and parcel (অবিচ্ছেদ্য অংশ): Education is part and parcel to build a civilized nation.
Safe and sound (নিরাপদে)— He reached home safe and sound.
Sheet anchor (শেষ আশ্রয়; প্রধান অবলম্বন; আসল খুঁটি)— This small piece of land is his sheet anchor.