গোখরো: [] cobra; [প্রতিশব্দ] কেউটে;
Related Words
গুঁপো  গুঁফো  গুমরে  গেরো  গো রু  গোখরো  গোঙানো  গোচর  গোছানো  গোছালো  গোটানো  গোপনে  গোবধ  গোবর  গোবরা  গোরু  গোলযোগ  গোলানো  গোসর্প  গড়ানো  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Apology to (কারো কাছে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): Rakib should ask apology to her.
Ascend from (উপরে ওঠা): Rahim watched the mist ascending from the valley.
Dedicate to (উৎসর্গ করা): His pfe is dedicated to the welfare of the country.
Due to (কারণে): His absence is due to illness.
Hit upon (পরিকল্পনা নেয়া): Rahim hit upon a new plan.
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Bear in mind (remember— মনে রাখা —V): You should also bear in mind the additional costs of the mortgage.
In full swing (পুরোদমে): The school is in full swing after the vacation.
Null and void (বাতিল): The deed has been null and void now.
Steer clear of (avoid, দূরে থাকা)— You must steer clear of evil company.
Ups and downs (উত্থান পতন): There are ups and downs in a man’s life.