গুণাশ্রয়: [Noun] Receptacle of good qualities or virtues.
Related Words
গুণত্রয়  গুণাঙ্ক  গুণাঢ্য  গুণাত্মক  গুণান্তর  গুণার্নব  গুণাশ্রয়  গুলিখুরী  গৃহাশ্রম  গৌরাঙ্গী  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Care of(যত্ন নেওয়া): You should take care of your health.
Consent to(মত দেওয়া): The Prime Minister consented to the proposal.
Fed up with (বিরক্ত): He is fed up with waiting for her.
Regret for (দুঃখ করা): We regretted for his failure.
Taste for (রুচি; পছন্দ): He has a great taste for music.
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At dead of night (গভীর রাতে) The police caught the thief at dead of night.
As a whole (মোটের উপর, সম্পূর্ন এক মনে করে-adv.) Look at life as a whole and you will see that it is meaningful.
Pin money (স্ত্রীর দেয়া হাত খরচ)— She saved her pin money.
Ups and downs (উত্থান পতন)- There is ups and downs in a man's life.
Well-to-do (সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ) - He was not born in a well-to-do family.