গাজোয়ারি: [] duress; [প্রতিশব্দ] গা-জোয়ারি;
Related Words
গা জোয়ারি  গাজোয়ারি  গাজোয়ারি  গাজ্বালা  গাড়োয়ান  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Abound in(প্রাচুর্যপূর্ণ হওয়া): Fish abounds in the pond.
Argue against (বিপক্ষে বলা): She argued against the bill.
Care for(গ্রাহ্য করা): I do not care for you.
Concerned for (উদ্বিগ্ন): The parents are concerned for their growing children.
Subject to (সাপেক্ষে): The man was appointed subject to the approval of the chairman.
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Bad bargain (purchasing at a high price-বেশি দামে কেনা-n) You had a bad bargain of the watch I see.
Gain Ground (সুবিধা পাওয়া): The wise are said to gain the ground in the long run.
Milk and honey – (প্রাচুর্য)- He lives with milk and honey.
Slip of the tongue (বলায় সামান্য ভুল): This is a slip of the tongue; don’t pay much stress on it.
Silver tongue (মিষ্টভাষী)- He is a man of silver tongue.