গঙ্গোদক: [Noun] Water of the Ganges.
Related Words
গঙ্গোদক  গম্ভীরা  গর্ভোৎস  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Admit of(স্থান করা, সুযোগপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া): His offence admits of no explanation.
Cause of(কারণ): Industry is the cause of your success.
Creep up (বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া): The prices of are creeping up day by day.
Enter into (কোনো কিছুতে আবদ্ধ হওয়া): pma entered into a new agreement.
Make from (কোনো উপকরণ দ্বারা সরাসরি তৈরী নয় বোঝাতে): Paper is made from bamboo.
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A bed of roses - (সুখকর অবস্থা): Life is not a bed of roses.
Burning question - (গুরুত্বপূর্ন বিষয়): Poverty problem is a burning question of our country.
Cock and bull story (আষাঢ়ে গল্প): You must be ashamed of your cock and bull story.
Cut to the quick (মর্মাহত হওয়া): I was cut to the quick by his birds.
Right and left (এলোপাথাড়ি - indiscriminately): He planted trees right and left.