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খরমুজ: [Noun] Melon ; musk-melon

Related Words

খরগোচ  খরগোশ  খরগোস  খরবুজা  খরমুজ  খররোম  খর্জুর  খামুক  খামুটি  খালুই  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org

Appropriate Prepositions

Abide in(বাস করা): I abide in Dhaka with my family.

Concerned with(জড়িত): She was concerned with such things.

Dressed in (সজ্জিত, পরিহিত): The girl was dressed in silk.

Taste for (রুচি; পছন্দ): He has a great taste for music.

Wish for (প্রত্যাশা করা): Everybody wish for happiness.

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Be all and end all (the ultimate out come- চরম পরিণতি—n) A loss of one million taka was the be all and end all of the projects.

Crying need (জরুরী): Mass education is a crying need for India.

Man of letters (পন্ডিত ব্যক্তি): You are truly a man of letters.

Red tape (official formalities, অফিসের কাজ)— You would not believe the red tape involved in getting the required permits.

Up-to-date (আধুনিক) - Now-a-days ladies are very up to date.

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