ইয়ারিং: [Noun] Ear-ring.
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ইদানিং  ইয়াংকি  ইয়ারকি  ইয়ারিং  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Appeal to, for(কোন ব্যক্তির কাছে কোন কিছুর জন্য আবেদন করা): The flood affected people appealed to the President for reef.
Compensate for(ক্ষতিপূরণ করা): I will compensate him for the loss.
Look after (দেখাশুনা): He looks after me.
Recover from (সুস্থ হওয়া; পূর্ব অবস্থায় ফিরে আসা): The patient has not yet recovered from his severe illness.
Smile on/upon (অনুগ্রহ করা): Fortune smiles on/upon the brave.
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As ill-luck would have it (unfortunately- দুর্ভাগ্যবশত) A child was born to them but, as ill-luck would have it, it died when it was eight days old.
Eat humble pie (অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): The manager had to eat humble pie before his employees.
Silver living (hope- আশা বা ভালো দিক): Every cloud has a silver lining.
Speed money (ঘুষ; উৎকোচ): He hankers after speed money.
Take to one's heels (to run away, পালানো)- They took to their heels when they saw the policeman approaching.