ইলাহী: [Noun] God.
Related Words
ইউনানী  ইটানো  ইটালী  ইতালী  ইদানীং  ইরাকী  ইরানী  ইলাকা  ইলাহী  ইশাদী  ইসলামী  ইসাদী  ইহাকে  ইহাতে  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Adapt for (উপযোগী করে নেওয়া): This book has been adapted for the children.
Adjacent to (সন্নিহিত): His house was adjacent to the bridge.
Alarm at, by, for(আশংকা করা/শঙ্কিত হওয়া): I was not alarmed at/by the news, but I was alarmed for their safety.
Cause for (চিন্তিত হওয়ার কারণ): He has never given me any cause for concern.
Urge upon (আহবান জানানো): She urged upon his son the importance of being honest.
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At a low ebb (in an unfavorable situation প্রতিকুল অবস্থায়, ভাটির মুখে) The popularity of this singer is now at a low ebb.
As a rule (নিয়ম অনুসারে.) As a rule, she kept silent in the meeting.
Backstairs influence (secret and illegal influence- গোপন এবং বে আইনী প্রভাব-n) He did not deseve the job, however, he got it by backstairs influence.
Soft Soap (নিজ অভিপ্রায়ে/অভিসন্ধিতে তোষামোদ করা): He was expert in soft soap.
Three score (ষাট): He is happy as his brother got three score.