রেওয়াজ : [বিশেষ্য পদ] রীতি, প্রথা, পদ্ধতি, চাল, দস্তুর, প্রচলন।
Related Words
রেওয়া  রেওয়াজ  রেওয়াজ২  রেকাব  রেজাই  রেহাই  রেহান  রোঁয়া  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Zeal for (উৎসাহ): Forhad has great zeal for cricket.
Catch at(ধরা): A drowning man catches at a straw.
Concern with (জড়িত থাকা): Asif is not concerned with this conspiracy.
Cope with (এঁটে ওঠা; তাল মিলিয়ে চলা): They cannot cope with so much work.
Heir of (উত্তরাধিকারী): He is the heir of his father.
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ABC - (প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান): I don't know the ABC of politics.
Art and part (অভিসন্ধি ও সম্পাদন) We have no art and part in his affairs.
Burning question - (গুরুত্বপূর্ন বিষয়): Poverty problem is a burning question of our country.
Fish out of water (অস্বস্তিকর অবস্থা): When he came to the village, he felt like fish out of water.
To the contrary (against what some one had said, পক্ষান্তরে) —He said nothing to the contrary.