গুঁতো : গুঁতা-র কথ্যরূপ।
Related Words
গুঁজা  গুঁজি  গুঁতা  গুঁতো  গুটি২  গুরুতর  গুলতি  গেঁটে  গেঁতো  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Apply for(কারো কাছে আবেদন করা): Sumi applied to the Principal for free studentship.
Competent for(যোগ্য): He is not competent for the post.
Enter into (কোনো কিছুতে আবদ্ধ হওয়া): pma entered into a new agreement.
Repent of (অনুতাপ করা): I repented of my past.
Subject to (সাপেক্ষে): The man was appointed subject to the approval of the chairman.
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ABC - (প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান): I don't know the ABC of politics.
At the latest (খুব বেশি দেরী হলে) He will arrive here at 5 p. m. at the latest.
Far and wide (সর্বত্র): His fame spread far and wide.
Null and void (বাতিল): The deed has been null and void now.
Well up (সুপন্ডিত)- Dr. Shahidullah was well-up in Bengali language.