গু : [বিশেষ্য পদ] বিষ্ঠা, পুরীষ, মল; গু শব্দের অপভ্রংশ। গু খোরের বেটা বা বেটী গু খায় যে এমন লোকের ছেলে বা মেয়ে (গালিবিশেষ)।
Related Words
গু  গুণ  গুম  গুল  গুহ  গুড়  গো  গোঁ  গৌ  গৎ  গড়  গড়ু  গ২  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Adjacent to(সংলগ্ন): The Post Office is adjacent to my house.
Congenial to(উপযোগী): The atmosphere is congenial to your health.
Consent to(মত দেওয়া): My father did not consent to the proposal of my sister’s marriage.
Eager for, about (একাগ্র): The students for this school are eager for knowledge. The teacher is eager about the success of his students.
Repentant for (অনুতপ্ত): Kamal should be repentant for his misbehavior.
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At a standstill (নিশ্চল, অচলাবস্থায়-adj.) The discussion is now at a standstill.
Crocodile tears (মায়াকান্না): He shed crocodile tears at our misery.
Irony of fate (ভাগ্যের পরিহাস): He could not succeed by irony of fate.
Now and then (মাঝে মাঝে): He comes here now and then.
On the whole (মোটের ওপর): On the whole, his conduct is good.