অরোগী : [বিশেষণ পদ] রোগ নাই যাহার এমন।
Related Words
অঋণী  অকৃতী  অখুশী  অঙ্গী  অঝোরে  অধোগত  অবোধ  অবয়বী  অভোগ্য  অযোগ  অযোগ্য  অরোগী  অর্গল  অর্থী  অর্থ২  অর্ধ  অর্হৎ  অশরীরী  অশোক২  অসুখী  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Absorbed in(মগ্ন): I am absorbed in my study.
Compete with(প্রতিযোগিতা করা): He does not pke to compete with
Complain to (কারো কাছে নালিশ করা): You should not complain to his parents.
Cope with(সামলানো বা পেরে উঠা): They cannot cope with the situation.
Send for (ডেকে পাঠানো): Send for a doctor immediately.
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Bare word (শুধু মুখের কথা, স্বাক্ষী প্রমানহীন কথা-n) He believed your bare word and now he has been played false with.
Fight shy (এড়িয়ে চলা): Why do you fight shy of your teacher?
In full swing (পুরোদমে): The school is in full swing after the vacation.
Take into account (বিবেচনা করা): Your activities should be taken into account.
To the contrary (against what some one had said, পক্ষান্তরে) —He said nothing to the contrary.