অমর্যাদা : [বিশেষ্য পদ] অপমান, অনাদর, অসম্মান।
Related Words
অদ্যাপি  অনন্যগতি  অনন্যমনা  অপচ্ছায়া  অবস্থাপন  অমর্যাদা  অরণ্যানী  অলঙ্কারণ  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Associate with, in(জড়িত হওয়া): This man was associated with crime.
Bound for(প্রস্তুত থাকা): Although we can see that it is bound for failure, it is fascinating to follow its journey.
Consist of(গঠিত হওয়া): The committee consists of ten members.
Devote to (উৎসর্গ করা/নিয়োজিত করা): Students should devote sufficient time to their studies.
Hunger for (আকাঙ্কা): The teacher has a great hunger for knowledge.
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Dead of night (মধ্যরাত্রি): The robbers broke into the house at dead of night.
Out of order (বিকল): The elevator was out of order.
Run high (বেড়ে যাওয়া) —The price of everything has run high.
Slow coach (অলস): You cannot expect much from a slow coach.
To the contrary (against what some one had said, পক্ষান্তরে) —He said nothing to the contrary.