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Appropriate Prepositions
Annoyed for(কোনো কারনে বিরক্ত হওয়া): The officer was annoyed with the clerk for being late.
Ask about (কাউকে খোঁজ করা): Rahim asked about Karim.
Ask for (কোনো কিছু চাওয়া): Do not ask him for any help because he doesn’t like to help anyone.
Careful of (সতর্ক): He is very careful of his fault.
Suffer from (অসুখে ভোগা, কষ্ট পাওয়া): He has been suffering from fever for last three days.
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At a standstill (নিশ্চল, অচলাবস্থায়-adj.) The discussion is now at a standstill.
Birds of a feather (persons of like disposition-একই পর্যায়ের লোক) Bird’s of a feather flock together.
Back and forth (এদিক ওদিক) The mad man was running back and forth in the hospital.
Make both ends meet (আয় ব্যয় মেলানো): I cannot make both ends meet with my small income.
Stone’s throw (অতি নিকটে): Our school is at a stone’s throw from our house.