Sudd : শ্বেত নলীনদে অরোধক ভাসন্ত উদ্ভিদসমূহ; অস্থায়ী বাঁধ;
Related Words
scud  sided  squad  squid  stud  studded  studied  study  succeeded  sudd  sued  suede  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Break in (কথার মাঝে কথা বলা): As she was talking, he suddenly broke in, saying, ‘that’s a rat!’
Destitute of (নিঃস্ব; বিবর্জিত): He is destitute of any friend here.
Inferior to (নীচু/হীন): He is inferior to his neighbor.
Noted for (বিখ্যাত): She is noted for dancing.
Thirst for (তৃষ্ণা, আকাঙ্ক্ষা): A wise man has no thirst for wealth.
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At-fault (guilty-কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়, অপরাধ, দোষ adj.) You are at fault.
At the latest (খুব বেশি দেরী হলে) He will arrive here at 5 p. m. at the latest.
Now and then (মাঝে মাঝে): He comes here now and then.
To the letter (in all details, অক্ষরে অক্ষরে) —Follow my advice to the letter.
Ups and downs (উত্থান পতন): There are ups and downs in a man’s life.