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Appropriate Prepositions
Breakdown of (বিস্তারিত): Here is statistical breakdown of data.
Die of (রোগে মরা): Many people died of cholera.
Faith in (বিশ্বাস): I have no faith in him.
Look over (পরীক্ষা করা): He was looking over the answer scripts.
Rejoice at/in (আনন্দ করা): Everybody rejoiced at/in his success.
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Nip in the bud (অঙ্কুরে বিনষ্ট হওয়া): All his hopes were nipped in the bud.
On the whole (মোটের ওপর): On the whole, his conduct is good.
Part and parcel (অবিচ্ছেদ্য অংশ): Education is part and parcel to build a civilized nation.
Seventh heaven – (মহাখুশী) – I was in the seventh heaven when I heard the news of my BCS final result.
Sheet anchor (শেষ আশ্রয়; প্রধান অবলম্বন; আসল খুঁটি)— This small piece of land is his sheet anchor.