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Appropriate Prepositions
Composed of(তৈরী): This medicine is composed of vitamins and minerals.
Consist in (কোনো কিছু মধ্য বিদ্যমান থাকা): Happiness consists in contentment.
Fond of (প্রিয়/অনুরাগী): Children are fond of sweets.
Smile on/upon (অনুগ্রহ করা): Fortune smiles on/upon the brave.
Urge upon (আহবান জানানো): She urged upon his son the importance of being honest.
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Breathe one’s last (decease, die- শেষ নিঃশেষ ত্যাগ করা, মরে যাওয়া) The man breathed his last in his native village.
Moot point (অমীমাংসিত বিষয়): Dowry system is still a moot point in Bangladesh.
To play on a fiddle (অনর্থক সময় নষ্ট করা - To waste time)-He played on a fiddle by nature.
Sheet anchor (শেষ আশ্রয়; প্রধান অবলম্বন; আসল খুঁটি)— This small piece of land is his sheet anchor.
To the utmost (যথাসাধ্য) - I tried to the utmost of my ability to have a job.