Hesitate : ইশতস্ততঃ করা, সন্দিগ্ধ হওয়া
Related Words
haste  hecate  hesitate  hesitated  hest  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Adapt to(খাপ খাওয়ানো): Everybody must adopt himself to new environment.
Apply for(কারো কাছে আবেদন করা): Sumi applied to the Principal for free studentship.
Deal in, with, out (ব্যবসা করা, ব্যবহার করা, বন্টন করা): The man deals in rice. He does not know how to deal with a customer. The Chairman dealt out the relief materials to the flood affected people.
Destitute of (নিঃস্ব; বিবর্জিত): He is destitute of any friend here.
Devote to (উৎসর্গ করা/নিয়োজিত করা): Students should devote sufficient time to their studies.
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All at once - (হঠাৎ): I feel terribly sleepy all at once.
As ill-luck would have it (unfortunately- দুর্ভাগ্যবশত) A child was born to them but, as ill-luck would have it, it died when it was eight days old.
Bear hard upon (behave rudely-নির্দয়ভাবে ব্যবহার করা - V) Never bear hard upon your servants.
Fish out of water (অস্বস্তিকর অবস্থা): When he came to the village, he felt like fish out of water.
Take one to task (rebuke, তিরস্কার করা)— He took me to task for negligence of duty.