Eureka : (খুজিয়া )পাইয়াছি
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Appropriate Prepositions
Acquit of (অব্যাহতি দেয়া): The chief justice acquitted him of the charge of murder.
Adorn with(সাজানো/সজ্জিত করা): Adorn the car with flowers.
Descend on (আক্রমণ করা): Armed thieves descended on the helpless girl.
Genius for (দক্ষতা): Nazrul had a genius for convincing girls.
Quick at (চটপটে): A cashier must be quick at figures.
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Arm in arm (পরস্পর সম্পর্কিত বিষয়) All good people should live arm in arm with one another.
Breathe one’s last (decease, die- শেষ নিঃশেষ ত্যাগ করা, মরে যাওয়া) The man breathed his last in his native village.
Nip in the bud (অঙ্কুরে বিনষ্ট হওয়া): All his hopes were nipped in the bud.
Pick a quarrel (ঝগড়া করা)—Do not pick a quarrel.
Square meal (পেট ভরা আহার): He is too poor to have a square meal everyday.