Devisor : উইল-কর্তা;
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deviser  devisor  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Covetous of(লোভী হওয়া): He is covetous of wealth.
Fail in (ব্যর্থ হওয়া): He failed in getting internet connection in his room.
Succeed in (সাফল্য লাভ করা): He succeeded in life.
Welcome to (স্বাগত জানানো): You are welcome to our new office.
Wish for (প্রত্যাশা করা): Everybody wish for happiness.
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All at once - (হঠাৎ): I feel terribly sleepy all at once.
Crocodile tears (মায়াকান্না): He shed crocodile tears at our misery.
Hush money (ঘুষ): He offered a hush money to disclose the file.
Seventh heaven – (মহাখুশী) – I was in the seventh heaven when I heard the news of my BCS final result.
Well up (সুপন্ডিত)- Dr. Shahidullah was well-up in Bengali language.