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Appropriate Prepositions

Adequate to(সমানুপাতিক): The salary, he gets, is not adequate to the volume of work he has to do.

Apathy towards (অনাগ্রহ): The student has great apathy towards his studies.

Argue against (বিপক্ষে বলা): She argued against the bill.

Ashamed of(লজ্জিত): Nandini was ashamed of his wrong-doing.

Cure of, for(রোগমুক্ত হওয়া): This man was cured of This drug is a cure for typhoid.

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At death’s door (at the point of death- মৃত্যুর দ্বারে) The patient is now at death’s door.

Eat humble pie (অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): The manager had to eat humble pie before his employees.

Square meal (পেট ভরা আহার): He is too poor to have a square meal everyday.

Turn a deaf ear to (pay no attention, প্রত্যাখান করা) —He turned a deaf ear to my proposal.

Ups and downs (উত্থান পতন)- There is ups and downs in a man's life.

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