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1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Abound with(ছেয়ে থাকা): They live in a region that abounds with oil.
Appoint to(নিযুক্ত করা/হওয়া): Kibria has been appointed to the post of Headmaster.
Burst out a laughter(হাসিতে ফেটে পড়া) He bursts out a laughter.
Careful of (সতর্ক): He is very careful of his fault.
Send for (ডেকে পাঠানো): Send for a doctor immediately.
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At dead of night (গভীর রাতে) The police caught the thief at dead of night.
Black sheep - (কুলাঙ্গার): Stay away from the Black sheep.
In a nutshell (সংক্ষেপে): Tell the whole story in a nutshell.
Laughing stock (হাসির পাত্র)— He is a laughing stock to all.
Rank and file (সাধারণ লোক): We should pay attention to the rank and file of the country.