Bribetaker : ঘুষখোর; ঘুসখোর;
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Appropriate Prepositions
Abide in(বাস করা): I abide in Dhaka with my family.
Admit into(প্রবেশ করতে দেওয়া): Only the selected people were admitted into the theater.
Behave towards(ব্যবহার করা): The students behaved objectionably towards the Head teacher.
Consist in (কোনো কিছু মধ্য বিদ্যমান থাকা): Happiness consists in contentment.
Play on (বাজানো): They play on the piano.
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At the top of (শীর্ষে): The boy shouted at the top of his voice.
Hush money (ঘুষ): He offered a hush money to disclose the file.
Pros and cons (খুঁটিনাটি): You should consider the pros and cons of the system.
Soft Soap (নিজ অভিপ্রায়ে/অভিসন্ধিতে তোষামোদ করা): He was expert in soft soap.
Under age (অপ্রাপ্ত বয়স্ক)- He could not cast his vote because he was under age.