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Affidavits :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Affidavits : শপথপত্র; হলফনামা;

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1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Dull at (অপ্টু/কাঁচা): He is dull at mathematics.

Make from (কোনো উপকরণ দ্বারা সরাসরি তৈরী নয় বোঝাতে): Paper is made from bamboo.

Match for (প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী): He is no match for me.

Plead for (ওকালতি করা): He pleads for justice.

Popte in, to (মার্জিত): We must be popte in our dealings. One should be popte to

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At dead of night (গভীর রাতে) The police caught the thief at dead of night.

At the top of (শীর্ষে): The boy shouted at the top of his voice.

As ill-luck would have it (unfortunately- দুর্ভাগ্যবশত) A child was born to them but, as ill-luck would have it, it died when it was eight days old.

Hue and cry (শোরগোল): The villagers raised a hue and cry to see the thief.

To the letter (in all details, অক্ষরে অক্ষরে) —Follow my advice to the letter.

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