ঘোঁট: [Noun] Stirring of churning ; gossiping ; discussion
Related Words
ঘাঁটা  ঘাঁটি  ঘাঁত  ঘেঁট  ঘেঁষ  ঘেঁস  ঘেঙানি  ঘোঁট  ঘোঁটন  ঘোঁটা  ঘোমটা  ঘোর  ঘোরা  ঘোল  ঘোলা  ঘোষণা  ঘোড়া  ঘোঁট  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Abhorrent to(ঘৃণ্য): Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me.
Aim at(আঘাত করার জন্য লক্ষ্য স্থির করা): The hunter aimed at the tiger.
At lunch (দুপুরের খাবারে): They were talking so much at lunch that their food went cold.
Stick to (দৃঢ়ভাবে লেগে থাকা): We should always stick to our decisions.
With a view to (উদ্দেশ্য): I went to hospital with a view to seeing you.
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At last (in the end – অবশেষে) He tried hard, and at last, succeeded in achieving his goal.
At home (comfortable— আরাম) He feels at home in Dhaka now.
From hand to mouth (দিন আনে দিন খায়): The poor man live from hand to mouth.
Lump sum (এক কালীন) — He gave us lump sum money.
Out of order (বিকল): The elevator was out of order.